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How to Open a Nail Technician Account

Glitties Nail Art values the hard work it takes to become a licensed nail technician.  To acknowledge your effort, we would like to extend to you a 10% off discount on almost everything!

Open a nail technician account in 3 easy steps!

Step 1.  Click the “register” link at the top of any page.

Step 2.  Click the “Nail Technician” circle and fill out all of the required information (example below).

Nail Technician Discount

Step 3.  Now that you have finished registering, you can begin shopping.  Once your are finish shopping click on the “shopping cart/ view cart” link at the top of any page.  There you will be able to see your great savings of 10% off on almost everything!  

It’s just that simple!

Note:  If you have already registered, please email or give us a call and we will change your account for you.  Customers that have used our nail technician discount in the past will already be set up.  Please just login and begin shopping.  Thank You!

Nail Technician Account


Excluded Items – Because our bulk glitter is already discounted to wholesale prices, nail technician discounts will NOT be applied to these products.

Pricing – Nail technician discounts will not be combined with any other promotional offers.

Required – To receive your nail technician discount, a professional license number is required during registration.  If you are an international customer, please contact us at so we can assist you further.  

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